What could've possibly made Taylor and Ellie pull these faces? Discussing their mutual 1D snogs we reckon
"So then Harry put his tongue in my ear..."
Taylor Swift and Ellie Goulding are having a mutual girl crush at the moment.
The country pop superstar
invited Ellie on stage with her during her gig at The Staples Center in
Los Angeles to perform Goulding's single 'Anything Could Happen'.
Swifty introduced her special guest with the words "one of my favorite artists who is so cool and very talented."
Ellie instagrammed a snap of the pair of them on stage with the words:
"So.much.fun. Love that girl" Total girl-mance
Then Taylor tweeted
"So.. Anything could happen at one of our LA shows. @
showed up to sing 'anything could happen'! 15,000 person dance party."
Ellie also posted the picture of them pulling rather unflattering faces with the caption:
"Beauty contest"
But what could they have been talking about to make them pull these expressions?
Well, we have a theory.
Because as well as both being talented, having blonde curly hair and
sharing a love of black hot pants, the girls have other stuff in common
Namely that they've both got off with members of One Direction.
Taylor was dating Harry Styles for a few months back in December (that sounds like a Taylor Swift song title).
But it didn't work out and Harry branded her a 'pain in the a*rse'.
Recently, Ellie was spotted snogging the face off Harry's bandmate Niall at V Festival.
So we reckon Tay and Els were swapping notes about who gives the best tongue action.
Although from the looks of their faces, neither are up to very much.
Taylor's girl crush on the Starry-Eyed singer
goes back a long way though.
Last year Swifty revealed:
"I have two British friends. Ed Sheeran is one of my friends and I
met Ellie Goulding and she's the coolest girl. I've been obsessed with
her records for a really long time."
"I felt a little fan girl-ish because I was quoting lines from her
songs and I was like, 'Where did you come up with that? What's the
meaning behind that?' She was physically weirded out. I know all the
words to her new song."
We'd love a night out on the sambucas with these two.