Tuesday 13 August 2013

As Victoria Beckham and Tana Ramsay wear identikit outfits again let's look at other copycat celebrity friends

These best mates have spent so long rummaging through the depths of each other's wardrobes, we actually can't tell who is who
Tana's been practising her unimpressed face in the mirror
Tana's been practising her unimpressed face in the mirror
Considering that we spend 90 per cent of our time trying to emulate Victoria Beckham's style choices on a Kerry Katona budget, we can't imagine how hard it must be to be her actual friend. Sure, you looked average-to-acceptable when you left the house in those black leggings, Tana. But Vic's teamed her hoodie with some laid back denim shorts, and they're way more construction-site appropriate.
So while Tana Ramsay is cutting the legs off her jeans with a pair of paper scissors, Selena Gomez has been busy borrowing Vanessa Hudgens' bhindis, perfecting her ohm pose and sticking waist-length hair extensions onto her scalp with the help of a hot glue gun.
And they're not the only ones. Whether it's Beyonce and Gwyneth's oh-so-coincidental coordination at, oh, just about every awards ceremony this year, last year and the year before last year, Rihanna's friendly generosity with slogan t-shirts or just Jennifer Aniston and one-armed Courteney Cox's long-term relationship with the colour black, it looks like celebrities are a lot less original than we thought.
Either that, or they've got a two-for-the-price-of-one deal on stylists. It's really hard to tell.
Which leaves us only one question to ask: which came first, the chicken celebrity or the egg copycat?*
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