Thursday 22 August 2013

Lady Gaga's big hair and two costume changes take her mind off Perez Hilton row Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at htt

The singer dresses down to meet fans and then dresses up to go for a walk. As you do...
But we can't see her pants! Oh, the humanity
But we can't see her pants! Oh, the humanity
Singer Lady Gaga looked, well, rather gorgeous in low-slung white trousers as she met fans outside her apartment block in New York City yesterday.
We only wrote 'well' because normally she looks like a David Bowie-wannabe alien. (That's not us being rude - she's actually dressed up as an alien several times.)
The singer had big bouffant hair and looked chilled out and happy as she signed autographs and posed for pictures.
Fearing that she may have been too comfortable and keen to maintain her reputation for never being seen in the same outfit for longer than two minutes , she later appeared in a squeaky-tight black leather catsuit.  No doubt she'll need a bucket full of talcum powder and four minders to help her in and out of it whenever she pops to the toilet. (We always associate leather trousers with talcum powder after that scene with Ross in Friends. Just us?)

Gaga has been on the promotional trail for her new single Applause which is storming up the iTunes chart as we type. However, the hype has been slightly overshadowed by her on-going row with celebrity blogger Perez Hilton .
It all started when Perez criticised Applause and Gaga responded by tweeting, 'Still have the text Perez sent me of me in a wheelchair w the words KARMA written across + Madonna pointing a gun at me. Day of my accident.'
Ooh, harsh. We don't know if the text exists of course, but it's a pretty horrible thing to have done if true.
Then one of her 'monsters' (what she calls her fans) told her that Perez was in her apartment block on Sunday prompting her to tweet, 'STAY AWAY FROM ME + MY FAMILY YOU ARE SICK TRYING TO RENT AN APARTMENT IN MY BUILDING TO STALK ME. LEAVE ME ALONE!!!'
Perez Hilton Lady Gaga feud
Perez and Gaga superimposed together because there's no way they'll appear in a pic together now. FACT
 Perez responded by issuing a statement saying he was house-hunting and 'learned only after the fact that Lady Gaga lives in one of the buildings we looked at'.
Gaga tweeted: 'Please monsters do not be affected by someone like this NOTHING merits this kind of hatred. Im ok & I always survive. Ignore him. Just Dance'.
Perez and Gaga
Look how happy they once were!
 However, things started to spiral out of control when Perez retweeted death threats he was receiving from some of Gaga's fans, prompting the singer to post a plea for calm on her website: "I know how angry you feel sometimes, and I know that when they say things about me you feel that they are saying them about you as well.
"Although pop culture and society have become more negative and critical of the artist over the years, by engaging in this negativity you are allowing it to spread.
"I ask you to take a pledge with me to continue the change towards positivity and to recognise that this behaviour is wrong.
"The anonymous nature of social media has made it easy for many to vent their anger by bullying others with no recourse to accountability. But this is not a healthy way to handle your emotions."
Well said, Gaga. And excellent catsuit.

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