Sunday 11 August 2013

Ten things that AREN'T going to happen at the Teen Choice Awards

Another year, another family-friendly, safe-as-armed-patrolled-houses performance from all those present at Los Angeles' Gibson Amphitheatre for the annual Teen Choice Awards
Are One Direction old enough to get married?
Are One Direction old enough to get married?

Now that teenagers can show their allegiance to their favourite pop stars, actors and comedians through intense GIFing, Twitter hashtags and maudlin comments left on intern-run Facebook fan pages, do the Teen Choice awards still matter? Well, yes, because this is where all the assorted celebrities that teendom salivate over can put on their best smiles, shiniest frocks, spangliest jeans and show themselves to be really squeaky-clean and kid-friendly, no matter what showbizland's assorted nightclub bouncers, runners and tour managers could say to the contrary.
So, just to spice things up, I've done a list of the ten things which WON'T happen at tonight's child-star-studded event.

1. Someone will leave with a prize that's small enough to fit into an actual trophy cabinet.
Now, this won't happen because the Teen Choice Awards are presented to the lucky winners in the form of a surfboard. This is meant to represent the freedom of a teenage summer. (Makes you wonder why they don't just hand out jugs of frothy post-vomit WKD) Although Catfish has taught us that Americans of all social standings somehow manage to have houses the size of, well, Americans, where is Taylor Swift meant to fit all of her surfboards?

2. Demi Lovato and Hailee Steinfeld will perform an ode to Miley Cyrus's We Can't Stop Video. It will climax in Demi snogging Hailee in a hot-tub.
This is HUGELY unlikely. Hailee, who stars in the upcoming adaptation of Romeo and Juliet opposite fit-tastic pillow-lipped beardy-boy Douglas Booth, is actually pretty reserved for a teen star.

They'll still pretty though obviously... well, most of them will

3. The Wanted will look better than One Direction
NO WAY NEVAH.!1!!11 Let's face it. No amount of distressed denim and scowls are going to make the assorted odds and ends that comprise The Wanted look as good as the carefully-selected, identically-heighted, beaming-grinned One Direction. Also, when Max and co. catch a glimpse of the happy-go-lucky 1D boys as they pick up their surfboard - they've been nominated for two awards, while Simon Cowell's beautiful boy-bots have just beat them to it with three nods (and Harry's been nominated for the Choice Male Hottie AND for the Choice Smile prizes). At least they won't have to decide who has to lug the surfboard home.

4. Liam Hemsworth will explain EXACTLY what's going on with him and Miley Cyrus
HIGHLY unlikely. The sexy steel-eyed Australian is probably more likely to simply swagger on in a fine suit (maybe without the jacket, there's nothing more embarrassing than overdressing for an award show for teenagers) and stoop down to the microphone - he's 6'3"! - to mumble that someone or so-and-so has won such-and-such an award/surfboard. Come to think of it, the gargantuan awards will look like skateboards next to his mighty frame. Hmm…

Miley Cyrus
Miley and the might form that is Liam

5. Lily Collins will solemnly sit behind a drumkit while the intro from In The Air Tonight plays on loudspeakers. As the drum solo comes in, she'll bang and crash about, playing with all the sincerity and boldness of the  gorilla in the Cadbury's advert.
Definitely not. The mind never fails to boggle at the fact that Phil Collins, he of the jumpers and comb-overs, somehow is the biological father of Lily Collins, she of thick eyebrow and sultry voice. But she doesn't seem to trade off of his world-wide white-boy funkstar fame to get herself places - and we get a feeling she's better known in America for dating Taylor Lautner than for who her daddy is. So it's unlikely she's about to pay tribute to a British chocolate advert, as funny as our imagination might find it.

6. Lindsay Lohan and Amanda Bynes will turn up arm-in-arm and deliver a performance art rap about the perils of becoming a teen star.
This definitely won't happen, because Lindsay is far too busy shacking up in her new rental in New York (not exactly the Mecca of America's healthy-living movement, but gives us faint hope that she might guest star on an episode of Girls one day) following her spell in rehab and Amanda Bynes is currently in the custody of medical professionals.

Robin seems to find something funny
7. Robin Thicke's Blurred Lines will be used as walk-on music for Honey Boo Boo when she accepts the Choice TV Reality Show award.
Potentially. Whatever you think of the song, its lyrics and its video - ironic throwback to a golden era when it was cool to objectify women, or, um, ironic throwback to a golden era when it was cool to objectify women, it's catchier than nits and, without the lyrics, wouldn't be THAT inappropriate to jump about excitedly on a stage to. Unless, of course, little Honey Boo Boo collects her award while dressed like any of the women in the Blurred Lines video. That's when it gets wrong, right?

8. The backdrop on the red carpet will be all moody and grey.
Unless there's a problem at the dedicated factory in LA which makes backdrops for glitzy events (hold up, just considering alternative job prospects), the Teen Choice Award's red carpet's backdrop will, just as every other year, be decked out like a ravey glowstick's idea of a tropical theme park.

9. Barack Obama will turn up to collect his award for Choice Twitter Personality.
About as likely as Max George and Louis Tomlinson having a snog. Much respect to the Teen Choice Awards for recognising the POTUS's tweets in this shortlist, but actually, with 40 million followers and tweeted gems such as "Worst birthday" - it's unlikely anyone will topple Justin Bieber's claim to this accolade. Maybe he'd have had a better shot of it if he'd only tweeted that Anne Frank "was a great girl. Hopefully she would have been a belieber.” instead of just noting it down in the guestbook of the Anne Frank museum.

10. You'll miss all of it
No chance, as even if you can't find a livestreaming link somehow, will be covering all the gossip from the event from 6am on Monday morning.

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