Sunday 11 August 2013

The many comebacks of Lindsay Lohan (and why this one is the REAL comeback)

Despite all the arrests (five of them) and the rehab stays (all five, yes, FIVE) Lindsay’s biggest successes in the last seven years have been when she’s funny
Lindsay Lohan says her last goodbyes at the Cliffside Malibu Rehab Center
Lindsay Lohan says her last goodbyes at the Cliffside Malibu Rehab Center

Lindsay Lohan’s back! And I know I’ve said that around a million times since it all went a bit wrong back in 2006 (Er, yeah, 2006. She’s literally been ripe for a comeback for the last seven years) but I think it’s really happening this time!
Last week, she guest-hosted Chelsea Lately, the US chat show, and apparently “killed it” – making jokes about Harry Styles sex life , Kristen Stewart’s moodiness and even laughed about her “90 day court-ordered holiday” and her bisexuality. And that’s what everyone forgets – Lindsay’s acting is ok, but her comic timing? It’s amazing! She’s funny!
Ok, she probably didn’t write those jokes herself, but this is why Lindsay’s comeback will be Chelsea Handler’s show, not the over-dramatic crying and boob flashing in upcoming movie The Canyons .
Despite all the arrests (five of them) and the rehab stays (all five, yes, FIVE) Lindsay’s biggest successes in the last seven years have been when she’s funny – like when she made the fake dating video for Funny Or Die:
Or her appearances in Ugly Betty in 2008:

 Or even when she was in Scary Movie 5:

She’s even funny when she falls over into a cactus.
Lindsay Lohan
Lindsay. The cactus. Funny.

There’s a reason that everyone thinks Mean Girls was Lindsay’s best ever film, and nobody mentions I Know Who Killed Me when she played a stripper with a duel personality. In fact, people mention it so little, I had to Google it to make sure it was a real film and not just a weird dream I’d had.
Now, she has her own ‘documentary series’ (reality show) on Oprah’s channel, and hopefully we’ll get to see how naturally funny Lindsay is when she’s not drunk, high or rowing with her weird, washed out mum. As long as Lindsay sticks to the comedy (and doesn’t decide she’s going to start driving around LA again), I think she really is BACK. And she’s here to stay. Grool.
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